HTML can even change the size of a graphic, without even using a graphics program. It's simple. Look at the code below.   • I just used the same banner as before and cut it in half. Add in the height=pixel# width=pixel#">. The original image was 400 pixels by 40 pixels, so I just made it 200 by 20. If you use something off the wall and change it to 500 by 300, it will distort the image making it impossible to identify its shape. When making your own image for your web page, you have to make it in a format of a gif or a jpeg/jpg. These are usually the most commonly supported formats. To make them, you need to use a graphics program like Photoshop, which will convert the image to a gif form for you. Or if you use something less powerful like Color-It, you'll have to get the Shareware program called "Gif Converter". (You should be able to find it on my web page. If not, e-mail me and I'll tell you where to get it.) Draw your image in your graphics program and then copy and paste it into a new document inside of Gif Converter. Then save it as a gif. It's pretty simple. The hard part is drawing quality images. But even the most simple images are the most popular.   Quick Tip Here is a very common problem amoung web pages with images. Sometimes the images don't load and your get one of these images below.   When these images appear and have a link on them, you can't follow the link because it can't find the gif to give to the link location. But if you use this small line of code: alt=""> in your image html it will put the text on the image icons above. Then the user can click on the text and follow the link of the broken image location. (Below is where you put the alt="">. put_text_to_appear_on_graphic_here Making your Image Map 1) The easiest way to make yourself an image map is first make the graphic you'll use as a gif or jpeg. 2) Then download the shareware program WebMap from my software page at 3) Then follow the "easy to understand" directions included with the software package. 4) Before you know it, you'll have the easiest image map for your web page in no time at all!